Thursday 21 August 2014


                                     THIS IS MY FAMILY PHOTO
                                                    I miss this moment I miss all of them

            So, this is me NORAISHAH DOLMAT. Stay at NEGERI SEMBILAN but I was born at JOHOR BHARU.

         Each person makes different mistakes and gets different experiences in your life. However, each of us has one person who changed our lives. My mother is the most important person who always supported me and gave me good advice. My mother give me her love and tried to make our life better. Also she was always a good friend to me. My mother taught me to make good friends and be successful in my life. My mother 's name is Nora Binti Lebai Ahmad. My mother's age is 50 years old. My mother is the greatest. I love how she jokes around. She is always fun no matter what and she gives me great advice. My mother is more than a mom she like my best friend. She has the heart of the gold. She is greatest supporter of my life and the one who give me full support to continue my study after my SPM. Encouragement by my mother make a change in my life.

                                                                                            created by: NORAISHAH DOLMAT

Monday 18 August 2014


                                                      MALAYSIA AND ME  

           Malaysia, Malaysia and Malaysia it is a name that i always keep in my mind. It's the place that i start my heartbeat from birth, than I grow stronger and stronger untill I am now. Without doubt,  I love my own country. Malaysia is a country which cannot be defined in a word. The citizens are from different races and religion. The unity in these different cultures is what that makes Malaysia  a wonderful country. One may may ask who started all this or rather who brought all these multiracial aspect together in one country. All these will be answered as we go along. Bsck in 1957 , Tunku Abdul Rahman made his way through evry hardship to give independence o Malaysia, then know as Malaya. On 31st August 1957 in Malaya, Tunku Abdul Rahman also known as the Father on Independence made Malaya proud by announcing the independence of Tanah Melayu. The memorable announcement was held at the Stadium Merdeka and it has now become a historical destination.

                                                                                 created by: Wan Nur Amanina Binti Azman

Sunday 17 August 2014




         Every people have their own dream but it depends on their effort how to reach it           same as me. I always struggling to achieve my dream. My dream is to get four flat for every semester. Everyone deserve a second chance for every chance that we had wasted before. Eventhough I know that my result didn't good enough on SPM, but confident with an effort I will achieve a good result. In order to achieve that, I will come early to class and be focus in class. And also I am going to create study group with my fellow friends. Most importantly, I will discipline myself. I want to pursue my study to oversea. I want to make my parents proud of me. It will not be easy but I constantly studying in college, well, I have another dream, I hope I can achieve it someday. I want to have my own fashion boutique. I want my boutique be advance and a well-known boutique. And of course it also for making my family proud of me. This is my dream as besides I want to help family finance.
       Surely I have really big dream that I want to achieve. I really really want to bring my parents to perform Haji. I want to bring them there and make them happy. I know this is   also my responsibility. Yup, I know they will be proud and the happiest person in the world. This is my real dream. And I hope that I can achieve my goals.