Thursday 21 August 2014


                                     THIS IS MY FAMILY PHOTO
                                                    I miss this moment I miss all of them

            So, this is me NORAISHAH DOLMAT. Stay at NEGERI SEMBILAN but I was born at JOHOR BHARU.

         Each person makes different mistakes and gets different experiences in your life. However, each of us has one person who changed our lives. My mother is the most important person who always supported me and gave me good advice. My mother give me her love and tried to make our life better. Also she was always a good friend to me. My mother taught me to make good friends and be successful in my life. My mother 's name is Nora Binti Lebai Ahmad. My mother's age is 50 years old. My mother is the greatest. I love how she jokes around. She is always fun no matter what and she gives me great advice. My mother is more than a mom she like my best friend. She has the heart of the gold. She is greatest supporter of my life and the one who give me full support to continue my study after my SPM. Encouragement by my mother make a change in my life.

                                                                                            created by: NORAISHAH DOLMAT

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