Monday 29 September 2014

My Family


            Hello. Hi there. So here I want to tell you a story of my life. Well, my lovely family consists of only eight members. My family is such a pleasant and amiable family. I am very blissful to be one of this wonderful family.

My father was born on August 1963, he is 51 years old this year. He works by himself and earn money for us. Well said, father is my hero. He works hard to earn money and take good care of us, his loves one. He always protect us and always tried to give us the biggest happiness even though he already work hard in raising us. Then, I am comfortable to tell my problems to my mother. She is a nurse ever since her marriage with my father. Even though she's working, she never forget her responsibilities to her family. She also always have time for her children especially when we have a problem. She always care for us and always there when we need her. She is my everything. And I love both my father and my mother.

Well, I have six siblings, one older sister, one older brother and three younger brothers. Being one in the middle is quiet fun for me. In addition, i'm the last girl in family after my sister. Haha. So i'm such a 'manja' one. But even though I am that kind, I also the one that mature in our family. I always babbling to my siblings if they did something wrong. Six of us always argue when we are together. We keep fight and scream to each other when we at home. But then, when one of us were not at home, we always miss each other. And when we gather back at home, we will always be together. do everything together. We are close and we love each other. And i'm more close to my sister which us are the only daughters in our family. We always talk, gossip, shopping, cooking and do more activities together and always share our problem. She are my sister and also my bestfriends. I love her and love all my siblings.

Most importantly, I love my family very much. They are my life and I will always love my wonderful family. Whatever happens, my family are my priority. For sure. Last, I really love my family. Muah!

                                                                                          THANK YOU.



                  Hello guys it have been a long time that i'm not uploading the blog. I love to write a blog, because for me blog is the best place to express my feeling but I didn't write about my secret story, secret stay as secret HAHAHA . Today I want to tell about what I like and what I like to do .

          At first I really like MUSIC ! I love to play guitar and I do play guitar.  I don't really expert playing guitar. Before this my ambition is want to be a professional guitarist but it's unfulfilled dreams. My mother said , if i take music as my job one day , it's hard to find job if I take music course at college' so I forgetting the desire to become a musicians. I fell a little down. I don't mind because what my mother said is true. I forgot to tell , that acoustic guitar my father bought for me and my mother buy for me a ukulele ( the small guitar ). That time my mother going for travel with my aunt and his two son, when my mother arrive to Malaysia, my cousin told me that my mother has bought something special for me, than my mother shown to me the ukulele. I feel so happy. From now I just take a music as a hobby.
                  Second , I like culinary . After my mother don't give me to be a musicians, I take a decision to take part at culinary. I love to cook. If  I in a free time I love to cook, I love western, chinese 'HALAL' dish, and of course malay food. If I'm not in mood I love to seek and search street cooking food at YOUTUBE I will search at youtube what kind of dish that i like, mostly I will see how indian people cook because I love indian spice, even the silly cook i'll see because I love the way chef cook full of style. One day, I took a decision to be a CHEF , my mother agree with my decision , but I heard my cousin told me if i took  culinary sometimes you will lost 'solat' especially when I work at hotel, you must wake up in the morning for start working at 3 or 4 o'clock. Sometimes the executive chef wont aloud you go out for 'solat' it is for the customer , after 'subuh' they will have a breakfast that why the dishes must be done before 'subuh' . I took my cousin experience as lesson.

                  The last one, and I hope this is my last decision to be a Human Resource people I took this decision and my family especially parents agree with my decision. My parents always remind me to do the best for my self and my family. My SPM result is not so good. After I got my SPM result I give up, I take a decision to work not continuing my study, and last I took a decision to continuing my study to Diploma In Human Resource Management at 'Kolej Poly Tech Mara' , Kuantan. I hope that I will success in my study.

                  AND that all for my writing today , I hope that all of you enjoying my writing blog . Hope you guys in a pink , Thank You for give me this opportunity to do this blog guys. LOVE KPTM STUDENT.

                                                                                                     written by : Suhaira



               Crushing on somebody is different from loving someone. Of course, everyone know that. But what‘s the different? Sometimes we mistaken a crush as love or love as a simple crush. What really keeps them apart? How do you know that you like that person as a friend? But isn’t more than that? Everyone has their own stories to tell. And I just want to share my experiences to help you realize what a CRUSH and LOVE is.

I have a crush. His name is Mohd Faizal Bin Juwini came  from LedangJohor Bahru. He studying in Kolej PolyTech Mara Kuantan, Pahang and take course of civil engineering. He is Javanese children but he cannot speak the languageof Java, he only understand malay. I know Faizal from social sites that call Wechat on 27/08/2014Heis a very good person. First we feel so awkward with him because I never knew a man who was there at the collegeWe communicate on online until our first meeting at East Cost Mall. Our first meet me overcome many obstacleswhich he had to take the bus and leave his friends alone for our first meet. 
After I arrive at East Cost Mall, I was looking for  him and he was looking for me in the middle of mall, so that time I contacted him and it turns out he was in front of me. Along always make various reactions that. Since that we keep in touch until now. He always concerned about me. Same to me. Possibly in our friendship, we are not fall in love. But  sometimes I feel jealous when he want to meet another person. But I don't know why I need to be jealous when we're just a friends. I always thought that how about if he go, who can I share my problem with. But  I know every meeting there’s a separation, now or later. Just once, I hope our friendship remains forever. I always trying to make him happy, even though I know I cannot afford to have him one day. I pray that he met a good women better than me. I hope one day when we meet again, you will remember me, even though at the time it was not me who are with you.

Sunday 28 September 2014


2013, then I grade five. And there's a new guy in my school, I first noticed him because who's talking about him. Before this, I have seen him but I don't know his name. All my friends interested in him. I was also interested in him because he is very handsome. I always melt when I see him. Emm. At the same time I have a friend who is already contact with him, I was like a little jealous. Haha. When they're out of school hours, I have a friend who is already a challenge for me to criticize him. I am really taboo challenged, and by chance he is going past me, I continue to criticize him 'hai' he continued to reprimand me reciprocate. Very, very excited for comment from interested persons replied back. Huhuhu. I have a friend who tells his facebook name, I shall add him as a friend on facebook. Not unexpectedly he received as my friend on facebook, he continued to send chat. From there we first met and it is from there that he was also there my number, I've got his number. That night, he continued to call me, long chat about our introductions, and suddenly I feel there is a sense in him, hihi. He asked me out, but not both. He brought his friend, I brought my friend. Even our friends for two weeks, I tried to express my feelings on him, he is not supposed to express their feelings in me. 15/2/2013 we have been paired lovers. Many are jealous of our relationship, but we can ignore what people say. All my friends with his friends was surprised about the two of us, all can not believe how I could tackle him, though I am not rejoice because he is very interested in not want fighting with other partners who have an interest in him. Although many trials that we tackle but we are still happy with the way we are. Our family was already blessed relationship both of us, hihihi. Yes, I have a strong jealous, very jealous if I see him mingling with other women. So your fate is that I'll be the lover. Hahaha. The day of our relationship over time until now and inshallah hope eternal. He was in a college with me too. Only him can patient with my attitude and hassle. WAN AMIRUL FIRDAUS BIN ANUAR that guy, that guy who always plays in my mind, that's the man who successfully made ​​me believe in the man back, and the man is also often makes me not in the mood there is mood back then. Seriously, I hope our relay will be remain until forever. Im really hope you will be my future priests one day. Amin!


Ghost? Sometimes I don't really believe in ghost. I love to see ghost movie in cinema, television, youtube and etc. Sometimes I want to see how ghost look like, I'm not a brave person I'm scared when someone proccess by paranormal and that time I have in that place my body will shake.
        One day, mom, sister, and I following my dad to Sabak Bernam, Selangor because he has a work to done. That time at 12pm me and my sister were looking up stair suddenly we saw something with white objects flying, we looked each other and we took a decision to keep silent after we far from that place. After we reach our destination we open our story to my mom and my mom just give a word to us he told me to read Aiyatul Kursi. Than we close our story.

        Next, I got a several different story. That time I was with my family to go our vacation. In one night we were talk each other in side the car the clock shown 2pm. While we were busy chatting, suddenly my sister smell something like bloody, same goes to my father, and my body feel so cool. My father feel our car were so heavy and my father saw some object with a flurry hair black color body. My father started to read a few words from Al-Quran and that paranormal gone from us.      

            Thank You, I don't have so many ghost story.              



      There is no country better to live in than your own country. The issue to be handled is what can I do to make it a better place. Me myself are trying hard to do it. There are numerous ways to better my country.
       First thing is in order to make my country a better place to live in is to jeep my country clean and clear from any garbage. Well, need to work together with the community to clean all the litter or garbage from our street, neighborhood or even the city. 
      Next, me as one of the community need to practice to make my relationship with the community from different races are a good relationship. This is because we live in a community and we need each other. We need to stay united because community are the one will help us one day. Such as if we have a problem, or during our festive day and more. 
     Then, to make own country a better place too, I need to make sure my country is  peaceful country. I need to line in a good environment as we are living there for the rest of our life. The community and I will work together to keep peaceful to our country and in the community.
       As a result , there's so much ways to make my country a better place to live. What's important is to stick together as a community to make our country continuously to make our country helpful and caring to each other.          

Thursday 25 September 2014

        Today, English is use widely. English is one of the important language in several countries and in human communication. So it’s important for us to learn English and I need to use it as often as possible to improve my English skills. There are a few ways how to improve my English. 

        Well, first thing is I can improve my English by reading. I can read books, newspapers, magazines and of course novels. There’s many kind of reading media that I can learn. By reading too, I can know the weaknesses in myself. 

        Then, in order to improve my English, I can speaks English with people around me. People in my surroundings such as friends or my English lecturer are the best choices to speaks with.  I can speaks with them whenever possible and especially during my leisure time. 

         Watching television and listening to the radio are two more ways to improve my English. I can watch many kind of movies. And it’s of course an English movies. Then, I also can listen to many kind of English songs. Well well, I’m really love English songs. 

         So, I continue to use English. I know very well that English is so important in our life. As I know it’s important, so I will keep learning English pretty hard and get to use English perfectly. I will try my best to master it.