Monday 29 September 2014



                  Hello guys it have been a long time that i'm not uploading the blog. I love to write a blog, because for me blog is the best place to express my feeling but I didn't write about my secret story, secret stay as secret HAHAHA . Today I want to tell about what I like and what I like to do .

          At first I really like MUSIC ! I love to play guitar and I do play guitar.  I don't really expert playing guitar. Before this my ambition is want to be a professional guitarist but it's unfulfilled dreams. My mother said , if i take music as my job one day , it's hard to find job if I take music course at college' so I forgetting the desire to become a musicians. I fell a little down. I don't mind because what my mother said is true. I forgot to tell , that acoustic guitar my father bought for me and my mother buy for me a ukulele ( the small guitar ). That time my mother going for travel with my aunt and his two son, when my mother arrive to Malaysia, my cousin told me that my mother has bought something special for me, than my mother shown to me the ukulele. I feel so happy. From now I just take a music as a hobby.
                  Second , I like culinary . After my mother don't give me to be a musicians, I take a decision to take part at culinary. I love to cook. If  I in a free time I love to cook, I love western, chinese 'HALAL' dish, and of course malay food. If I'm not in mood I love to seek and search street cooking food at YOUTUBE I will search at youtube what kind of dish that i like, mostly I will see how indian people cook because I love indian spice, even the silly cook i'll see because I love the way chef cook full of style. One day, I took a decision to be a CHEF , my mother agree with my decision , but I heard my cousin told me if i took  culinary sometimes you will lost 'solat' especially when I work at hotel, you must wake up in the morning for start working at 3 or 4 o'clock. Sometimes the executive chef wont aloud you go out for 'solat' it is for the customer , after 'subuh' they will have a breakfast that why the dishes must be done before 'subuh' . I took my cousin experience as lesson.

                  The last one, and I hope this is my last decision to be a Human Resource people I took this decision and my family especially parents agree with my decision. My parents always remind me to do the best for my self and my family. My SPM result is not so good. After I got my SPM result I give up, I take a decision to work not continuing my study, and last I took a decision to continuing my study to Diploma In Human Resource Management at 'Kolej Poly Tech Mara' , Kuantan. I hope that I will success in my study.

                  AND that all for my writing today , I hope that all of you enjoying my writing blog . Hope you guys in a pink , Thank You for give me this opportunity to do this blog guys. LOVE KPTM STUDENT.

                                                                                                     written by : Suhaira

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