Sunday 28 September 2014


Ghost? Sometimes I don't really believe in ghost. I love to see ghost movie in cinema, television, youtube and etc. Sometimes I want to see how ghost look like, I'm not a brave person I'm scared when someone proccess by paranormal and that time I have in that place my body will shake.
        One day, mom, sister, and I following my dad to Sabak Bernam, Selangor because he has a work to done. That time at 12pm me and my sister were looking up stair suddenly we saw something with white objects flying, we looked each other and we took a decision to keep silent after we far from that place. After we reach our destination we open our story to my mom and my mom just give a word to us he told me to read Aiyatul Kursi. Than we close our story.

        Next, I got a several different story. That time I was with my family to go our vacation. In one night we were talk each other in side the car the clock shown 2pm. While we were busy chatting, suddenly my sister smell something like bloody, same goes to my father, and my body feel so cool. My father feel our car were so heavy and my father saw some object with a flurry hair black color body. My father started to read a few words from Al-Quran and that paranormal gone from us.      

            Thank You, I don't have so many ghost story.              


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