Sunday 28 September 2014


2013, then I grade five. And there's a new guy in my school, I first noticed him because who's talking about him. Before this, I have seen him but I don't know his name. All my friends interested in him. I was also interested in him because he is very handsome. I always melt when I see him. Emm. At the same time I have a friend who is already contact with him, I was like a little jealous. Haha. When they're out of school hours, I have a friend who is already a challenge for me to criticize him. I am really taboo challenged, and by chance he is going past me, I continue to criticize him 'hai' he continued to reprimand me reciprocate. Very, very excited for comment from interested persons replied back. Huhuhu. I have a friend who tells his facebook name, I shall add him as a friend on facebook. Not unexpectedly he received as my friend on facebook, he continued to send chat. From there we first met and it is from there that he was also there my number, I've got his number. That night, he continued to call me, long chat about our introductions, and suddenly I feel there is a sense in him, hihi. He asked me out, but not both. He brought his friend, I brought my friend. Even our friends for two weeks, I tried to express my feelings on him, he is not supposed to express their feelings in me. 15/2/2013 we have been paired lovers. Many are jealous of our relationship, but we can ignore what people say. All my friends with his friends was surprised about the two of us, all can not believe how I could tackle him, though I am not rejoice because he is very interested in not want fighting with other partners who have an interest in him. Although many trials that we tackle but we are still happy with the way we are. Our family was already blessed relationship both of us, hihihi. Yes, I have a strong jealous, very jealous if I see him mingling with other women. So your fate is that I'll be the lover. Hahaha. The day of our relationship over time until now and inshallah hope eternal. He was in a college with me too. Only him can patient with my attitude and hassle. WAN AMIRUL FIRDAUS BIN ANUAR that guy, that guy who always plays in my mind, that's the man who successfully made ​​me believe in the man back, and the man is also often makes me not in the mood there is mood back then. Seriously, I hope our relay will be remain until forever. Im really hope you will be my future priests one day. Amin!

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