Sunday 28 September 2014


      There is no country better to live in than your own country. The issue to be handled is what can I do to make it a better place. Me myself are trying hard to do it. There are numerous ways to better my country.
       First thing is in order to make my country a better place to live in is to jeep my country clean and clear from any garbage. Well, need to work together with the community to clean all the litter or garbage from our street, neighborhood or even the city. 
      Next, me as one of the community need to practice to make my relationship with the community from different races are a good relationship. This is because we live in a community and we need each other. We need to stay united because community are the one will help us one day. Such as if we have a problem, or during our festive day and more. 
     Then, to make own country a better place too, I need to make sure my country is  peaceful country. I need to line in a good environment as we are living there for the rest of our life. The community and I will work together to keep peaceful to our country and in the community.
       As a result , there's so much ways to make my country a better place to live. What's important is to stick together as a community to make our country continuously to make our country helpful and caring to each other.          

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